International Impact: Culture of Encounter

SOE faculty and students have been active overseas in 2017:

  • Students in “Comparative Education: USA and Philippines,” a course in the Department of Specialized Programs in Urban Education taught by Edmundo Litton, spent two weeks in late June and early July studying in Manila, Philippines. Read about their adventures on their blog here . In July, SOE instructors Fernando Estrada and William Parham led 14 students in SOE’s Counseling Program on a summer study abroad program in Guanajuato, Mexico. The 10-day curriculum focused on multiculturalism in counseling and education.
  • Also in July, the III International Colloquium on Languages, Cultures and Identities in Schools & Society in Soria, Spain, directed by SOE professor Francisco Ramos, brought together students and professionals to address how the integration of language, culture and identity affects immigrant populations worldwide.
  • Earlier in 2017, a collaboration between SOE and Queen’s University Belfast resulted in an international exchange among educators at Catholic and Protestant schools in Northern Ireland and traditional public schools and public charter schools around Los Angeles. As part of the initiative, participants visited classrooms in Northern Ireland in January, and met in Los Angeles and at LMU in April.
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